100 Year AHLY
Since: 1907First team couch: Manuel Joseeh.This year el AHLY club celeberates 100 year victory after being opened in the year 1907.The club have choosed the red color to represent the team after the shirt color was red striiped by white in 1911.The Ahly logo has been designed in 3 november 1917 by Mohamed Sherief beek.The Club victories:The Egyption League:31 times as a champion.The Egyption Cup:34 times as a cahmpion 2 of them shared with El Zamalek club.African victories:4 times for the african cup of the cahmpion clubs.4 times for the african cup of the cup cahmpion clubs.Arabian victories:1 time for the arabian cup of the league champion clubs.1 time for the arabian cup of the cup cahmpion clubs.Others:2 african Super Cups.
1 AfroAsian Cup.
1 AfroEuropean Cup.3 Egyption Super Cup.